Welcome to Avdor CIS Innovative Interaction
Performance Optimization Solutions

Customer Interaction Call Recording
Intuitive and Powerful Call Search and Playback
- Locate call recordings quickly and accurately, according to multiple search criteria
- Create predefined search templates
- Save most frequently used search combinations
- Follow up on call routes by using Crystal Quality scenario reconstruction
- Smart player based on waveform display with split audio view
- Download partial or full recorded call files and share by email
- Save, email or export single or multiple-recording interactions as secure standard files.
Search calls by any combination of criteria:
- Customer self-defined data fields (reserved fields)
- Call duration (from – to)
- Date and time (from – to)
- CLID or part of the number for incoming calls
- Dialed number or part of the number for outgoing calls
- Extension number
- Agent name
- Skill ID
- Channel number
- Channel name
- User name
- Call direction (incoming / outgoing or both)
- Remarks and annotation
- Agent / User / Group
- Tags
- Agent Evaluation Score
- CTI references
- Recording server number
- Storage device
- Recording that have been archived (backup)
- Recordings that include screen recording
- Reference number

Customer Interactions Business Call Recording

Intuitive and Powerful Call Search and Playback
- Locate recordings quickly and accurately according to multiple search criteria
- Create predefined search templates
- Save the most frequently used search combinations
- Follow up on call routes using Crystal Quality scenario reconstruction
- Smart player based on waveform display with split audio view
- Download fully or partially recorded files and share them by email
- Save, email or export single or multiple-recording interactions as Secured Standard Files.
Playback Capabilities
- Web-based, no need to install any client application
- Playback recordings are stored on the server’s hard drive, backup device, and network device
- Low and high-speed playback
- Loop playback
- Easy to navigate through calls
- Volume control
Live Monitoring CIS Recording
Live Monitoring:
Listen to live calls with just one click.
- Monitor agents call status
- Monitor agents calls in real time
- Monitor agents screens at any time
- Instant playback while the call is still in progress

Storage Archive and Recycle
The Crystal Quality® advanced archiving feature ensures data security and integrity by providing a strong and flexible archiving strategy spanning multiple storage media.
Flexible, long-term storage and archive – Local and network storage and archive (Disk RAID, Disk Mirroring) are standard features of the Crystal Quality® recording solutions, which support archiving to any mass storage device such as NAS, SAN and FTP servers.
- Supports local and remote voice and screen archiving.
- Recordings can be simultaneously archived on the local hard drive, remote
- FTP servers or NAS to secure the data.
- Manual or scheduled archiving.
- FIFO or keep policies for data recycling.
- Separate recycle rules for voice, screen and voice + screen.
- Backup by extension/group/user.
- Backup one server or capsules of recording servers under centralized management.
- Standalone player application for archived calls.
- Local or network backup
- You can define up to three backup devices
- Manual backup or an automatic backup
- Pre-programmed setup of backup at a fixed data and time (periodically) – weekly, daily, monthly or immediately after the call has ended
- Continue backup until there is no free space on DAT, DVD, Disk or NAS
Supported storage media
- USB storage device
- NAS (network access storage)
- SAN (storage area network)
- FTP server
CIS Integration Platforms
As a total, cross-platform recording solution, Crystal Quality® provides support for a wide range of PBX platforms, CTI types and VoIP protocols, and proven integrations with Cisco, Avaya, Mitel, Genesys, Huawei, SIPREC, Speakerbus, AudioCodes , AI, Mobile2CRM and others.
Supported PBX list
Avdor CIS Crystal Quality supports recording compatibilities with all major TDM, analog and VoIP PBX vendors, including.
Data Collection
Special Integration:
- CTI – Fully compliant with common CTI protocols such as CT Connect, Genesys, TSAPI, CVCT, AVAYA AIC, TAPI and others.
- SDK & API – Integration with third party applications such as CRM
- SMDR – Accepts SMDR information from PBX for call data
- Agent Application – Crystal Quality® unique tool for additional customer data collection
- Easy Agent – Free application for agent ID collection (from Windows users or by users existing in the Crystal Quality system).

Special Integration
Avaya DMCC
Cisco BIB
Cisco Fork
ACME Packet
Mitel CRC
The Crystal Quality®Reporting Tool
Data Statistics for customer interactions are quantifiable measurements, which reflect the critical success/failure factors of an organization. It helps an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals.
Supervisors, managers, and analysts can use Crystal Quality Reports to monitor and analyze the ongoing status of the organization, presented as a graph and as a table:
Authorized users can generate statistical reports about how the organization is handling customer interactions. Crystal Quality provides the following report templates and enables the user to define their reports as needed:
- Agent Information – Data
- Agent Information – Graph
- Agent Report
- Agent Score
- Evaluator Trend
- From Score Report
- Group Report
- Group Score Report
- Group score
- Hourly Call activity Trend
- Question Score Report
- Recording Report
The following screenshot shows a Report Page with a test file selected and the Agents Report displayed:
User Management
The Crystal Quality® User Management feature enables users / agents administration based on roles and groups.
Crystal Quality (CQ) supports LDAP connectivity for centralized security management.
Furthermore, you can import personal contacts from .CSV files.
Crystal Quality security is designed to assure that your system functions are only accessible by users with appropriate permissions granted by the system administrator. The administrator has full control over who can playback recordings, create and use evaluation forms and run reports. User administration is divided into three categories:
Addressing the basic building blocks of the organization or call center. Each user may be granted access to replay recordings, evaluate calls, etc. while belonging to different groups.
Each user/agent belongs to a different group according to his job and skills. Regardless of the complexity of your organizational structure, you can manage it by organizing multiple groups.
This is a set of privileges or access rights to the system. A profile will be assigned to each user. Each time the privileges in a profile are updated, the change will be dynamically filtered throughout your user database.

Enhanced Security Diagnostics and Alarm System
Enhanced Security
Crystal Quality® fully complies with the strict security requirements dictated by the PCI DSS compliance regulations.
- Strict user-defined password and user permission management
- Supports verification codes
- Pause and resume recordings, mute and mask sensitive data (DTMF)
- Multi-level access control (extensive rights can be defined for different
- users)
- Highest security compliance with PCI DSS
- Crystal Quality® provides two encryption algorithms – a free proprietary encryption algorithm and the Microsoft AES 256–bit encryption algorithm
- Crystal Quality® supports Secure Socket Layer/ Transport Layer Security (SSL/ TLS) to secure transporting recordings and call information over the network.
- LDAP/Active Directory support
- HTTP/HTTPS Support
- MD5 support
- File watermarking to ensure file authenticity
Diagnostics and Alarm System
Continuous self-diagnostics for major operation modules such as database operation, system hardware, storing and backup devices, etc. by using alarm types such as SMS and email.
- Automated alerts and notifications for any abnormal system behavior
- Server and application behavior monitoring
- Secure SQL database
- Search alarm history
- Email alerts to a specific person or group
- User activity audit trail

The alarm system provides monitoring for the following
- Database / Disk / CPU / memory overload
- Failure to connect to the database
- CTI connection failure
- Service down
- Configuration not found
- Recycle touch critical area
- VoIP/TDM module loading failure
- Software license was found or expired
- App heartbeat packet loss
- User locked
- NIC start failed, NIC heap package, heap channel package, recording start without RTP, channel reset, etc.
Notification Tool
Pure alarm tool, designed for installation on each client computer.
Provides the option of viewing the list of alerts on the client computer, monitoring, detection and quick solving in real time.

Crystal Quality® Personal Home Screen
Graphic View Call Statistics
The Crystal Quality® personalized agent web dashboard allows building several customized statistical reports and easily select the one to display – at a glance!
The Crystal Quality® Personal Dashboard helps organizations keep track of their call center activities.
The solution quickly highlights important call information such as: Call volumes, inbound and outbound traffic peaks, call handling times and more.

Predefined dashboard graphs display the following information:
- Users records over the past 7 days or the past month
- Users’ scores over the past 7 days or the past month
- Comparison of total records over the past months or 7 days
- Trends for users’ total records over the past month or 7 days
- Percentages for users’ total records over the past 7 days
- Trends for users average scores over the past 7 days
Supervisors can easily create customized statistical reports based on their needs, such as:
- Call duration statistics
- Idle duration statistics
- Call in and call out statistics
- Weekly, monthly and annual statistics
- Percent of recording time statistics
The reports are displayed in several formats such as diagrams, charts, graphs and pie charts.
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